Monday 25 November 2013

Peak Science At AquaFair 2013 MITC, Melaka.

 Crowd at our Artemia/Brine Shrimp booth.. :)

 Jelly Fish Also Eat Artemia/Brine Shrimp

 Clown Fish/Nemo Enjoy Their Lunch.. hehehe..

Gabenor Melaka and Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Perikanan at our Booth.

Saturday 9 November 2013


· Natural food for aquaculture
· High nourishment value
· Ability to survive in the most extreme conditions.
· Contain high protein, amino acid, antibiotic and disease resistance
· Can be used at any phase of its development:
 ü Artemia eggs without a shell are excellent fodder containing a high
          concentration of protein for fingerling and small fish.
 ü Nauplii is initial fodder for aquarium fish youth.
 ü An adult Artemia is excellent fodder for a majority of mature fish species
· Feed on microscopic organisms.
· As a bio-capsule for additional nutritions.

BioMalaysia 2013

PSAquaculture Sdn Bhd

male and female artemia mating process